Ergomaxx Set
Origineel: 379,60 (10.19% off)
NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Mr. Gadget with your favourite Ergomax and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world fDiscover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.or children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Mr. Gadget with your favourite Ergomax and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world fDiscover the Ergomaxx Mr. Gadget, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.or children aged 6 to 10. The navy blue Mr. Gadget design full of cool gadgets is Jeune Premier's all-time bestseller for boys.
Ergomaxx Set - Mr. Gadget

Ergomaxx Set

Origineel: 379,60 (10.19% off)

Commandez avant 16h , livraison le lendemain*

Délai de livraison standard 2-4 jours ouvrables .

Payez plus tard avec Klarna

Eigenschaften Ergomaxx Set

NEU ! Limitiertes Ergomaxx Set mit Ihrem Lieblings-Ergomaxx und passender Sporttasche, Federmäppchen Gefüllt & Federmäppchen.

Ecl. Schlüsselanhänger.

Material & Waschhinweise

  • Material: Alle unsere technischen Stoffe werden aus recycelten PET-Flaschen hergestellt und sind komplett wasserabweisend. Alle unsere Produkte sind 100% vegan und wurden ausgiebig auf Schadstoffe getestet!
  • Futter: Polyester
  • Pflege: Mit dem Jeune Premier Cleaner auf einem weißen Tuch wird Ihre Tasche im Handumdrehen wieder wie neu!

Alter & Passform

  • Alter: 6 - 10 Jahre
  • 90cm - 1m50

Größe & Volumen

  • Gewicht: 1250.0 g
  • Höhe: 41.0 cm
  • Tiefe: 16.0 cm
  • Breite: 27.0 cm


  • Rucksack Ergomaxx
  • Sporttasche
  • Bleistift-Box
    Gefüllte Bleistiftbox:
    12 Buntstifte.
    10 Marker.
    2 Bleistifte.
    1 Radiergummi.
    1 Anspitzer.
    1 Lineal.
    1 Schere
    1 Stift
NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Mr. Gadget with your favourite Ergomax and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
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